New poll data suggests that Taylor Swift's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz could have unintended consequences for the Democratic Party. Following the presidential debate on Tuesday, Taylor Swift publicly announced her support for Harris in the 2024 elections.

According to a new poll released by YouGov on Saturday, Taylor Swift's endorsement may dissuade more voters than it attracts. The survey shows that only 8% of voters indicated that Swift's support makes them more likely to vote for the Democratic Party, either "somewhat" or "much more likely." In contrast, 20% of respondents said that her endorsement makes them less likely to vote for Harris. The remaining 66% reported that Taylor Swift's announcement has no impact on their voting decisions, as detailed by the NY Post.

In her Instagram post, the 34-year-old singer expressed her support for Harris, stating, “I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make.” She described Harris as “a steady-handed, gifted leader,” capable of leading with “calm and not chaos.”

The majority of online poll participants, 32%, believe Taylor Swift’s endorsement will positively affect the Democrats’ campaign, while 27% think it will have no impact at all.

Additional poll findings reveal that 41% of respondents feel Swift should refrain from publicly endorsing political candidates, while 38% support her involvement in politics. Most respondents, 66%, identified as non-Swifties, with 28% being fans and 6% identifying as big fans of the singer. Notably, the majority of the big fan respondents were women and registered voters.

Swift's endorsement also spurred significant traffic to the voter registration website, with a spokesperson reporting that 337,826 people visited via a link shared by the singer. In terms of the debate's impact, 46% of viewers considered it a win for Harris, 19% favored Trump, and only 6% changed their voting intentions because of it, while 76% did not reconsider their votes.