Elon Musk, the world’s richest individual with a net worth surpassing $250 billion, has dramatically upgraded his personal security. According to a recent report from The New York Times, Musk now travels with a team of up to 20 bodyguards and a full-time medic.

Code Name 'Voyager' for Security Team

Musk's security detail operates under the code name "Voyager," a nod to both the renowned NASA mission and Musk's high-profile status. This escalation in security is a response to the increasing threats associated with his vast wealth and celebrity.

Rising Costs and Enhanced Measures

The New York Times reports that Musk's security team includes armed officers and a dedicated medic, with costs totaling six figures each month. The increase in security measures was prompted by Musk’s growing wealth and the associated risks. In January 2016, Musk’s security expenses were over $163,000. By 2023, Tesla’s SEC filings revealed that Musk's security firm charged the company $2.4 million, with an additional $500,000 incurred up to February 2024.

Evolution of Security Systems

Musk’s approach to security has evolved significantly over the years. By 2014, he employed a rotating team of security personnel who not only protected him but also managed errands and assessed potential threats. In 2022, Musk discreetly acquired a new home following the public disclosure of his old residence, further enhancing his security with around-the-clock protection and measures to prevent tracking of his private jets.

Family Concerns and Industry Trends

Concerns about Musk's safety are not limited to him alone; his father, Errol Musk, has expressed worries despite the extensive security arrangements. Similarly, other tech leaders invest heavily in their personal security. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg's 2023 compensation package was largely allocated to personal security, and Apple has made substantial expenditures on security for CEO Tim Cook.

Ongoing Security Threats

Recent incidents, including a terrorism threat against former CFO Zachary Kirkhorn, have led to heightened security measures at Tesla. Factory employees are now subject to more stringent screenings to prevent any breaches of safety within company premises.